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Tarot Pathwork

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Understanding Tarot YouTube Series

the fool and magician tarot cards

I have been slowly creating a series on YouTube that better aligns learning tarot along with the hermetic qabalah. It can be tough for beginners. Not everybody wants to hit the original source books, the ancient grimoires. Not everybody has the time to dive down the rabbit holes of learning to read Hebrew, or understanding the context of what someone might have meant in ancient Egypt, or medieval Spain or Germany.

My hope is that I can create enough guideposts to help you along the way. One can use tarot simply as guidance to better understand themselves, yes tarot can be a gateway to commune with other spiritual realms outside of this one. No it doesn't have to be demonic... unless you want it to be - and I recommend that you don't go down that path.

As a Christian mystic I use tarot as a means of understanding someone's spiritual path, and a gateway to theurgy through the grimoires. The same as a priest does on the sabbath (but without all the malfeasance that comes with the modern catholic church, even though I respect the original spirit whence it came from). There are many streams to the heart of God, and this is but one of them.

So if you have been struggling to learn tarot for yourself, or because you would like to become a fulltime tarot reader, this is the course for you.

I'm splitting the course into sections. The first section which deals with the major arcana is finished. It tackles what I call the nine gateways to enlightenment, and also introduces you very slowly to hermetic qabalnah.

There is plenty to learn from this segment. I will continue on, to introduce folks to a different way of looking at the minor arcana next.

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