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Tarot Pathwork

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Understanding Spiritual Reality

I don’t talk much about traditional dogmatic religion, but it’s necessary to set the stage for the theme of this post.

If there is one thing all the world’s religions can agree on, it’s that there is a spiritual plane beyond our daily physical life. Unfortunately, that’s about all they agree on. Yet despite this, for the most part, the world’s population focuses on daily physical life. It’s much easier to focus on the tangible, that which can be measured. Humanity focuses on this so much, even those who would categorize themselves as fitting into mainstream cultural religions often turn a blind eye to the “supernatural” aspects of their own religions. Think about the last time you went to Church, Synagogue or Mosque. One of the speakers may have read a passage about “the angel of the lord”. Yet to speak in regular fashion about an angel as if they as tangible as the device you are reading this on would get you branded as crazy. After all, they are just stories… right?

This is where spirituality comes in, or at least it should. It should go beyond mere faith. It should seek ways of inviting the divine in or at least interacting with it here on the physical plane. Communicating directly with the divine is better known as Theurgy, and what I try and practice every day.

It is important to know that divination is just a method of communication with the spiritual plane. Hopefully, if you delve into such practices you also take the time to build discernment so you understand the differences in the spiritual entities you communicate with. The next most important thing is not to marvel at the results of communication. The spiritual plane regularly has a cause and effect on the physical plane we live in. Its just that most people tend to forget about the unseen as they go through their daily life.

Always remember that you are a spiritual being having a temporary physical experience.

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