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Tarot Pathwork

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The purpose of life is you

Updated: Aug 14

woman standing in portal of light

Goals are good. Getting into a specific school, starting a specific career, or achieving a sports accolade.

I though of this after the closing of the Paris Olympics last night. As the athletes pack up and head home, after all the races and even winning some medals, how do they mind the motivation to get up and do the same thing tomorrow?

What do you do after you get into the school you want? After you get the career you want, or the salary, the Olympic medal? If you aren't getting up every day to practice your craft whether you are an athletes, an artist, an academic... whatever your passion is - the important thing is to do it without a goal. After all, you are the purpose.

Remember, eventually the crowds will go away, popularity ends, status wanes whether it is won or not. You have to begin each day for your own curiosity or passion and nothing else. Your life's purpose isn't a goal, the purpose is you.

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