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The Fool & the Magician - Does Belief Matter?

Updated: Aug 26

It's an interesting question. Back during the heyday of the pandemic, I met people all the time who didn't believe in COVID. Yet they eventually came down with COVID. So their belief didn't matter. When it comes to spirituality things get a little bit more funky. We all meet people who heavily believe in dogmatic religion, yet they do morally reprehensible actions. So does belief even matter?

The Most High, the Universe, and the legions of entities, spirits etc. that exist outside of our temporal realm, exist independent of our belief. It is a fact of existence and difficult to prove on the physical plane. Yet because we live on the physical plane, many scurry around for much of their lives absurdly asking for physical proof of spiritual existence, so they can believe in something. Ironically, those who already do believe in one extent or another, sometimes have their own struggles. Yet the spiritual realm continues plugging away, just as it always has.

Remember, we are all God's will. However, it is up to each of us to recognize this. We can be foolish and thumb our nose at the idea of the divine spark within us all, choosing simply to pursue naive or hedonistic endeavors (this didn't work out so well for the Hippies in the 1960s - they are a bloody mess). Or, we can learn to work with the tools the Most High provides each of us (your life), in order to create something new.

As I said in my last post, the purpose of your life is you. It is to find out how much you can grow with the tools you've been given.

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