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Tarot Pathwork

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The First Awakening - Mindfulness

Mindfulness involves paying attention to what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment. Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better.

The term comes from a Sanscrit translation in Buddhist teachings. However, this translation to English creates an ironic concept that the mind is full when actually it needs to be empty. (We’ll come back to this in a moment) Mindfulness is just staying present in the moment. This is a very important step. We need to be present in order to enjoy life.

Mindfulness helps us realize how or when our thoughts emerge. Thinking about everything in your day and all the things you need to accomplish, and “oh what if this happens”, is one of the most habitual things we do. If these thought processes grow from a habit to a compulsion where we cannot control them or we don’t even know they are happening, we end up rushing from one moment to the next - often not even enjoying the goals we desired once they are obtained. Suddenly people aren’t enjoying their Life anymore and they don’t even realize it.

Avoiding the addiction to Mindfulness

This fullness of the mind is a type of connection to the Ego and our Shadow Self. The Shadow Self is simply a part of yourself that you are not fully conscious of its existence. Excessive thinking is one of the most common formations of the Ego. Within this can be excessive negative thoughts, some people have excessive positive thoughts (something called “spiritual bypassing” which isn’t fruitful) and some have thoughts of neutral busyness, such as all the small tasks they have to do. However, for the purposes of this article, whether they are positive, negative, or neutral doesn’t matter, too much of any of them can take you out of the present moment.

Like many addictions, many times we swap one for another. A problem can occur with mindfulness in those who have a solid addiction to thinking. Instead, they become addicted to observing their type of thoughts. Suddenly the thoughts change to:

  • “Why did I say that?”

  • “There is that thought again.”

  • “I should have said this, it would have been more positive.”

The problem with mindfulness is that you can indulge in it too much. It is important to note that mindfulness is just the gateway to Spirituality, it is not the end goal. The most important aspect is knowing that your thoughts, emotions, and actions are not just done as a means to an end. If you do so, you are placing all the emotional relevance on the end, the destination, or the result and missing a moment. Even something as simple as writing this article. I could just rush through it, write in out and hit “Post”. But in doing so I miss the joy of creation. Mindfulness is the realization that you are letting a moment pass by, it is the spiritual decision to press or release the gas pedal of your awareness.

Mindfulness is the beginning of the end of the Ego

Mindfulness is only useful if there is an Awareness immediately behind it. Once you begin to be mindful of all the thoughts and emotions you are having throughout the day, you will begin to see patterns. This is your awareness kicking in, which is the first hint of your own true essence. You will begin to observe your thoughts and emotions and understand:

  • the futility of some of your thoughts and emotions

  • the repetitive patterns during types of situations

  • how true or untrue your thoughts and emotions are

  • the effect they have on your Being

  • the effect they have on others

Once you get to this point, you can begin to see the connection between your shadow self and the Ego inside with the emotions and thoughts that they create. Not every thought or emotion is from the Ego, but by coming to this realization you can begin living as your own essence rather than living as the personification of an emotion or thought.

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