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Tarot Pathwork

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Starting a tarot reading session

Updated: Aug 26

I sit with clients for a reading about three or four times a week, on average. The rest of the time I am surfing the forums of reddit or fielding questions from inquiries. I've been reading Tarot for over thirty years, and one of the biggest expectations people have is "What is the first question that I should ask?"

Numerous books across the tarot landscape will have you think of your question as you are shuffling the cards. However, as I have written before in this article about connecting to the energy around you, the truth is, we are always connected. Therefore, if we are always connected, do you really need to ask a question at all? Doesn't the universe already know what you are going through? Of course it does. So what does this practically look like?

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Tarot is a portal

The longer you read tarot, the less the reader actually needs the cards. This is because over time the tarot reader better understands their own relationship with #spiritualintention, the #lawofresonance and the law of attraction. At that point, the cards are really a way to present the energy you are receiving so the client or querent so they can follow along.

With this in mind and knowing that the reader is always connected, even when they step away from the reading table or temple, there is an easy way to begin a reading.

The moment a querent sits down with me, I explain that the energy surrounding us is always in flux. To ask of something from the universe, you must also give something. Therefore, instead of asking a question right out of the gates, the first spread is always 'what the universe thinks we need to know'.

The spread itself is not a 'placement spread'. Meaning, no particular placement in the spread has a specific meaning. Instead you are simply laying out three to five cards and building a message from them. Most of the time, this first message answers a client's question anyway. Sometimes it's a bit deeper of a meaning than what the client is thinking and they usually have an 'ah-ha' moment later into the session, and sometimes it is a direct solid answer to the question they would like to ask anyway. It can be a jaw dropping moment, because they haven't said much more than 'hello'.

Once we allow the universe to provide us with information it thinks we need to know, then we can ask something back. Its important to do this because it allows you as a practitioner to let the universe know that you are there to work with it, rather than always take from it. Through this, you will begin to attract whatever energies and situations that you would like to.

Another commonality I often see is usually later in the session we will see the same few cards from our initial spread, re-appearing in the placement spreads. Think of this as a re-affirmation or theme. Statistically, you only have a 1.39% chance of pulling the same card again in a different spread, which obviously isn't impossible, but it is unlikely. But this happens because there are similar themes throughout our lives, energies that we always bring to the table, consciously or not.

The next time you sit down for a reading, hold off on asking your question. You might find the universe already has an answer for you.

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