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Tarot Pathwork

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Shadow Work - the authentic person

“Being authentic” is thrown around a lot these days. It’s a practically a war cry for marketers and influencers to gain an audience. Despite the over use of the term, there are some tangible spiritual and theraputic reasons one needs to focus on this. However the road to getting there is difficult.

To put it simply, becoming your authentic self means you are:

  1. emotionally aware of how you feel in a given situation.

  2. you are acting out how you feel and what you have planned to do internally

  3. you are accepting the reality of the situations you are in

  4. you are listening to your inner voice (trusting your gut) and voice your thoughts (when appropriate) to others.

  5. you are understanding and interpreting what you see out in the world

  6. You are processing all of these things together so that your higher consciousness may discern all this feedback

Being authentic really begins with the sacral chakra, at least in my experience. The root chakra can carry a lot of baggage, sometimes people have such a difficult time overcoming it that they cannot enjoy today.

However, what this causes is a great many people who cannot process their emotions. Being aware of how we feel about something is fundamental to nearly everything we do in life. Many ignore being aware of how they feel because they assume they have it under control.

But when was the last time you stopped during any given day and asked yourself, how do I feel about this?

It’s important to do this, and is the first step to becoming emotionally aware, which leads to your authentic self.

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