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Tarot Pathwork

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Shadow Work - taking authentic action

lower triad of the tree of life

For some folks, the difficulty is all in discovering HOW they feel. Once you know how you feel about any particular thing in life, the next step is taking action and creating those emotions in your life.

At this moment its important to realize that having the ability at all to bring an emotional desire into reality is a blessing. Once we depart this life, we can't do such feats any longer - so it is one of the many beauties of life that you have right now. The ability to physically change things. Therefore taking action on how you feel about things is crucial to your life.

*Lets put a caveat on this. It's important to stick within the social and legal norms of your country of residence. If your emotions fall outside of these and you still want to enact them, the implications are massive and could change your life and those of others.

However, for some folks, taking the leap from knowing your emotions and how you feel about things, to enacting them, is a massive chasm. The pathways from the sacral chakra to the solar plexus is where imposter syndrome lives. It is where anxieties live, particularly any kind of performance anxiety. So how do you take the first step when you may not know what to do or are worried about outcomes? We're going to quote a movie here, "What About Bob?" - where the mantra of the movie was baby steps. However I like to add a caveat to that. The trick is to take a baby step WITHOUT thinking about it, and without any planning. The beauty of a baby step is that the consequences are negligible. The only reason you take small steps is for your own peace of mind. It's okay to take things slow, as they say, slow and steady can win the race. Just don't forget the steady portion.

How Shadow Work issues appear in the Solar Plexus Chakra

Aside from doing illegal or immoral actions, those with a blockage in the Solar Plexus chakra often have hangovers from the Sacral.

There is a difference between telling yourself you aren't good enough to do something, and being told by someone else. I've found that those who are told by others throughout their lives that they aren't good enough, this often crops up once they begin to take action. It usually manifests in the form of self sabotage. This is because they have the desire to accomplish something - yet are afraid of being confronted by others.

People who deal with issues of "not good enough" through self-doubt, this usually manifests with procrastination, denial or avoidance. So things never get off the ground in the first place.

Things get more complicated in shadow work with the Solar Plexus because it is the first chakra where we can differ behaviour between public and private.

When we see issues such as above, you often see completely different actions in private vs public. When dealing with issues of "self-doubt", you will see no planning or strategizing in private (makes sense), but attempts to cover up in public to make things look like everything normal according to the norms of the person's environment.

When there are pressures from others, then the amount of planning and strategy in private depends on how repressed they feel from third parties. It can range from going to great lengths to make sure nobody knows your plans and not giving your cards away in public, to complete shut down.

Either way, the tension between matching private and public action throughout our lives can cause TREMENDOUS stress. However it is important to be congruent, for this is where your authenticity will shine through. In other words, the stress comes from not being able to be yourself in public as you would actually like to be, whether that is through lack of planning, and the hesitance to make those plans public.

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