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Rituals and Invocations of the Shem Hamephorash

Updated: 2 days ago

If a practitioner wants to get beyond divination with the tarot, especially if they already extensively study the Qabalah, then rituals of the Shem Hamephorash are a near-natural progression. It isn't just for practitioners, as it has been followed for centuries by devotees and as well as priests and rabbis.

What is the Shem Hamephorash?

To understand how the names of each angel is derived requires a bit of detective work, however the source is in the Bible in Exodus Chapter 14 verses 19-21. Luckily, people have been studying this for years and have already derived these names. Each angel is responsible or allocated to specific duties. Unlike pop culture, they are not lovely and cuddly. They are not going to welcome you with open arms at your every beck and call. Many times, unless you follow their protocol, they don't even answer. But the point of the Shem Hamephorash is theurgical, to meet God's angels directly on their turf, with the hope of invoking their wisdom into your own life.

To the profane, as in the mass population who do not think beyond the material realm, they see such rituals as a way of "getting what you want". And thus this is why you see things in popular media about spells to control angels or demons. It's absurd. Especially when you think about an entity from the temporal plane (you) controlling something that is eternal. But people are awfully funny.

So if you can get the absurdities out of your mind, and recognize that you are building a relationship, an exchange of energy between yourself and the Shem angels, you are definitely on your way.

There is no one ritual. The Golden Dawn has a ritual, as do the Martinists or OTO, these differ even still from the few you can find in ancient German or French Grimoires. I'm not even sure that there is a completely "right" or "official" way. What I do know is finding actual data or history on the topic is exceedingly difficult, even today. This is why I am posting this article, to help a few folks out. So whether you are a fan of something as simple as talisman magic, to something as complex as the rituals in the OTO, Martinism


You can have all the accoutrements that you read about in the modern books - the altar, the robes, and the bronze-plated talismans. However, what it is really about is intention and direct contact with the Most High's celestials. Do the best you can with what you have, since they already know your situation.

Performing the Shem Ritual

The Following is the Shem ritual I use, and it has worked well for me over the years:
1. Opening prayer of protection

Ateh, Malkuth, Ve-Geburah, Ve Gedulah, Le-Olahem, Amen

Before me Raphael, behind me Gabriel, on my right hand Michael, on my left hand Uriel. For about me flames the pentagram, pointed to our lord, and in the column shines the six-rayed star.

Ateh, Malkuth, Ve-Geburah, Ve Gedulah, Le-Olahem, Amen

Raphael, Archangel and ruler of this age, guide us in this time toward the faith and knowledge we seek. 

Gabriel, archangel of Annunciation, help provide correct communication between this plane and the next.

Michael, Chief of archangels, High Priest of Heaven, and General of Angelic Hosts, protect this space and all within it, from all unwelcome entities, energies, spirits and demons.

Uriel, archangel and light of God, please provide this space and all within it with the wisdom to understand the meaning and messages received. 

Open the mysteries of creation. Be friendly unto me, for I am a servant of the same your God, a true worshiper of the Highest. 

Above all, teach me O Lord, to have correct knowledge and understanding, for your wisdom is all that I desire.

2. Invocation of Solomon

Powers of the Kingdom, be beneath my left foot and in my right hand!

Glory and Eternity, touch both my shoulders and direct me in the paths of Victory!

Mercy and Justice, be the Balance and Splendor of my life!

Intelligence and Wisdom, give me the Crown!

Spirit of Malkuth, conduct me between the two Columns on which rely the whole edifice of the Temple!

Angels of Netzach and Hod, affirm me on the Cubic Stone of Yesod!

O Gedulael! O Geburael! O Tipheriel30! O Binael, be my Love!

Ruach, Chokmael, be my Light!

O Ketheriel, be what you have always been, what you are and ever shall be!

Ishim, assist me in the name of Adonai!

Cherubim, be my strength in the name of Shaddai!

Beni-Elohim, be my Brothers in the name of the Son and through the virtues of Tzabaoth!

Elohim, fight for me in the name of the Tetragrammaton!

Malachim, protect me in the name of Jahweh!

Seraphim, purify my love in the name of Eloha!

Hashmalim, enlighten me with the splendors of Elohim and of the Shekinah!

Aralim act!

Ophanim turn, be resplendent

Holy Forces whirl, shout, spread the Divine Virtues!

Kadosh! Kadosh! Kadosh! Shaddai! Adonai! Iotchavah! Eiazerieth! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

3. Psalm 98

4. Psalm 102

5. Prayer of Obesiance

Jehovah Zeboath, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Ropheka, Jehovah Shalom.

I [your name] most earnestly invoke and call upon your divine power, wisdom, and goodness. I humbly and faithfully seek your favor and assistance to me in all my deeds, words and thoughts, and in the promoting, procuring, and mingling of your praise, honour and glory. Through these, your twelve mystical names: ORO, IBAH, ADZPI, MOR, DIAL, HCTGA, OIP, TEAA, PDOCE, MPH, ARSL, GAIOL.

I conjure and pray most zealously to your divine and omnipotent majesty, that all your angelic spirits might be called from any and all parts of the universe, or at any time in my life, through the special domination and controlling power of your holy names. Let them come most quickly to me. Let them appear visibly, friendly and peacefully to me. Let them remain visible according to my request. Let them vanish from me and from my sight when I so request. Let them give reverence and obedience before you and your twelve mystical names. 

I ask that they happily satisfy me in all things and at all times in my life, by accomplishing each and every one of my petitions - if not by one means, then by another, goodly virtuously, and perfectly, with an excellent and thorough completeness, according to their virtues and powers, both general and unique, and by your united ministry and office, O God, Amen.

Through you, Jesus Christ, Amen.

6. Opening of the Shem

This is the beginning, I open the way.

I call on the inner world to know that this is my will:NAH - KAH - EE - AH - OH - EH (x3)

I pass through the arch of stone

I walk through a field of golden corn

I am warmed by the fire of the sun

I am cooled by the water of the ocean

I am steady on the firm earth

I breathe a sweet breeze

I feel the weight of the earth beneath me.

I ask, how did I come to be at peace?

I ask, how did I let go of fear?

I ask, how did I learn to manifest my dreams?

7. The Call of the Shem

I call on thee, Arzel in the East, to connect me to the secret angels of the universe.


ARE -ZELL ( x3)

ARZ - ALE (x3)

ARE - ZAY - EL (x3) I call on thee Raziel to make me heard by the secret angels of the universe.

I call on the inner world to know that this is my will:RAH - ZEE - ELL (x3)









8. The Request - this is best done during the 20 minute period the angel is assigned to

Oh Raziel

Let my voice be heard by the

great angel [NAME]

I seal this command with the word of power


[ Angel’s invocation ] Read the psalm associated with the angel you are trying to contact

[ NAME ] (x3)

REQUEST:I call on thee, powerful [ NAME ] who has the power to [ SKILL ]


I seal this command with the word of power:AH - RAH - REE - TAH

[Meditate on your request until the end of the angelic period]

9. Prayer of Thanksgiving

Angels of Light and Peace, Messengers of Divine Glory, Illuminating and Glorious Powers; may the fumes of this Incense be to thy intention, the pledge of my gratitude and my thanks! Deign, O Spirit of Light and Knowledge, to continue to grant to thy faithful servant the marvelous treasure of thy inspiration, thy assistance, and thy support. Henceforth may Peace Divine be between thee and me. Amen.

Resources for the Shem Ritual:

I've read pretty extensively, and there are a few books to choose from that are modern, however they really strike me as word salad's that are published just to make money. They either don't give clear directions, and it is usually very obvious the writer isn't actually a practitioner, but more of an armchair ritualist. So I steer clear.

The methods in the Golden Dawn ceremonies and the Martinist ceremonies are rather immense, but unfortunately I have neither of those organizations even remotely close to where I live, so I cannot participate and learn from them.

Therefore, the following texts are two versions in print that do get straight to the point, the first being the more complicated, and the second a much more peared down version.

Peter Vaughaun's translation of Ambelain's "Practical Kabbalah", here is part 1, and part 2.

The 72 Angels of Magick (the only reasonable book in that series)

I will eventually put pages on this site for every shem angel. The correspondences are pretty well documented, but details of each angel are fairly light.

Remember, it is all about intent. There are some guidelines you need to stick to... prayer of protection, the call to raziel... nothing is going to happen without raziel, and the call to the specific shem angel. Do your research. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to reach out.

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