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Tarot Pathwork

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On Meaning and Nothingness

I was having a quick chat with a tarot client this morning who was asking for an additional reading, and it reminded me of something I had been thinking about a few weeks ago. For context, in my posts you will often see me talking about shadow work, pathworking and channeling energy during readings. As a spiritual practitioner, I have to do this stuff for myself as well, especially the shadow work. Doing the digging through all the muck and wonderfulness that goes into creating a human, or in this case myself.

A few weeks ago during the run-up to Christmas I was thinking about some stuff back when I was a teenager. I had a pretty rough childhood and finished the last two years of high school while living on the street. It of course had a profound effect on my life.

As humans we tend to think everything has meaning, or at least we look for meaning in most things. Just scanning internet forums you can find a few questions every day where people are searching for meaning regarding a topic. But as I have found after doing hundreds of tarot readings and shadow sessions over the years, just because something has a profound effect on you doesn't mean there is a profound cause or meaning. The knee-jerk reactionists reading this will jump to modern day nihilism claiming "it is all a simulation", etc... etc. That is incorrect too. Some things have meaning or are caused by other things... sometimes they are not. This is what drives people crazy, they want an easy category to fit everything into so they can move on. But there isn't one.

In some ways this can be an even shittier realization. An event causes a profound effect on you in a very positive or negative way that changes the direction of the entirety of your life - yet the cause itself isn't profound at all, only the effect it has on you. This is why life is absolutely nuts. Sometimes there is meaning, sometimes there isn't. Sometimes completely innocuous things can mess your entire life up when they have no effect on those around you, sometimes the reverse happens.

The most important thing to do, is go into every situation aware of your surroundings. Know who you are, know the possible consequences of how something might effect your life and circumstances. If you don't depend on someone else watching out for you, you won't have to spend your life waiting to be rescued.

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