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Tarot Pathwork

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Mastering the Law of Resonance

Are you holding on to the Ego? Most of the time it is happening without your knowing. Shadow work isn't about destroying the Ego, you need it for your earthly existence. For the spiritual student, Shadow work is about knowing how to live an authentic life. For the practitioner, Shadow work is about recognizing your Ego exists, knowing what it looks like and how it functions, so you know how step outside of it in order to receive energy and messages through your higher consciousness.

To perform any spiritual workings, for instance, past life work, shamanic healing, reiki, the lesser ritual of the pentagram, mediumship or divination, it is necessary to recognize and side step the Ego so you can receive or transmute energy from the spiritual plane without filtering it through your own physical lens.

It is easy to recognize when we are acting with or from Ego. Any emotion or action that has a hierarchy or vanity attached to it has egoic root. Again earthly pursuits must be Egoic for many reasons, but spiritual pursuits must not so that your intention can work with the law of resonance in the capacity of your aim.

Shadow work is never done, even for the most adept practitioner. Like physical exercise, it simply becomes easier. Understand this and you will master the law of resonance.

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