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Tarot Pathwork

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Look within to achieve your goals

In my last post I talked about the frustration people often have when it comes to manifesting their goals. Maybe you want a new career, or are looking for that great relationship, or you really haven’t found direction in your life at all. We all deal with these circumstances at one point or another so don’t fret.

Value the journey and the destination exactly the same

The first thing to realize is accomplishing your goal isn’t going to fix three things:

  • Pain

  • Uncertainty

  • Work

These things will always exist in your life. They exist in everyone’s life, although they may change how they appear. For instance, you might not experience the exact same pain, or the same type of uncertainty, or the same type or amount of work. However, these things will continue to exist once you reach your goal. This is important to realize for two reasons:

  1. Placing any one of those expectations on your future goal often causes people to devalue their current state of being and emotions. You need to realize that where you are now in life is no more or less valuable than your past or your future. Every moment of being is an experience that has value.

  2. If you expect pain, uncertainty or work to go away when you reach your goal, it is very likely you will not recognize that you have achieved your goal when you finally get there.

Be open to changing yourself

You need to study those have achieved what you have. If you are inventing something completely new, then look into other inventors. You will realize that they most likely had to change in ways that they didn’t anticipate. Perhaps they became more collaborative, or travelled to meet people or experience new things. Whatever it was, take that on board and be open to bringing similar sorts of changes into your life. If you don’t, you may say “no” when the universe is providing you with breadcrumbs that lead you to where you want to go.

I hope some of this resonates and helps you achieve the presence or manifestation you’d like. If you need further guidance or would like someone to talk to, simply get in contact. I am always available to chat.

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