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Tarot Pathwork

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How to manifest the life you want

The above image is of processions of people on their way to the Temple of Apollo in Delphi during ancient Greek times. Above the entrance to the temple was ascribed a simple symbol, that of an “E”.

We all have heard the saying “know thyself” which comes from ancient Greek times. But the philosophers at Delphi hung the symbol of an “E” which was meant to be a key to figuring out how to know thyself. This symbol confused people for centuries. It wasn’t until the time of Plutarch that the symbol was decoded for people. It simply means “you are”. So, to know thyself you simply have to realize that you are.

Great… what the heck does that mean?

You already are what you want

Manifestation is a trending topic these days, however the slick 'insta-fluencers' and prosperity gospel preachers gloss over the way to get there. The road is simple, so simple people resist doing it. The philosophers in ancient Greece gave people the answer centuries ago and we still can’t get it right.

It starts with knowing yourself. Knowing your stuff. Your personal hang-ups, all the good and the bad things, and accepting them. That doesn’t mean you give the tough stuff a hall pass and continue on your merry way, and it also doesn’t mean you gloss over everything with positivity. This is called “spiritual bypassing” and will end up coming back to bite you.

Once you know all your hangups and have accepted them, which can take months or even years, then you need to understand where your thoughts and emotions come from. This is the basis of awareness. Just because you know your shit inside and out doesn’t mean its all going away. You have to continually be aware of the moments when they occur. In order to do that, you have to put down the noise and distractions of life, ignore all the glitz, glamour and sexy things - and understand what you feel about a situation and why. Its the last thing anyone wants to do.

This is what the ancient Greeks meant by “you are”. You are already the very things you need to achieve what you want in life. All the answers are within. To achieve what you want in life you have to understand the energy you are putting out into the world. Luckily humans are like tuning forks, but instead of being stuck to one pitch or frequency, we get to dial into whatever we want.

Fulfillment leads to manifestation

What’s important to realize is that your manifestation will not fulfill you any more than you are right now. This is because personal fulfillment has nothing to do with conditions outside of you. Achieving things, reaching goals etc, won’t complete you or bring you a stronger sense of self than you already have.

The basis for manifesting what you want in life is feeling fulfilled now, accepting your thoughts and feelings now. Once you reach your goal, you’re going to feel exactly the same. Unless you get in the right place to begin with, its very possible that your unconscious or shadow self sabotages you on your journey to that goal. You may even be repelling the same things you are trying to manifest without knowing it. This is why shadow work is so important. It’s also why people who are very content within themselves feel so magnetic to others, and why achievements continually happen in the way that they want.

Focus is a part of it, attitude is a part of it, being open is a part of it - but these are all the tangible aspects that someone on the outside can observe. What’s really going on is the person is content and fulfilled within themselves. This causes them to be focus on the things that will and will not work for them, it creates the attitude and the energy they put out into the world, and they end up attracting and being open to the things they are looking for and closed towards the things that won’t work for them.

When I work with clients, manifestation of a goal is often at the basis of the reading. Which is why we end up talking so much about energetic blockages and emotional struggles that they are having. If you are having trouble achieving goals, the work really begins with looking within yourself. I’ll write more about this in my next post. I hope some of this resonates and helps you achieve the vibration or manifestation you’d like. If you need further guidance or would like someone to talk to, simply get in contact. I am always available to chat.

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