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How Karmic Debt Affects Relationships

two hands about to touch

Relationship questions, they are a perennial favorite from seekers. The other massively "on-trend" topic in spirituality these days are twin-flames. This is a misnomer only because we are all connected, to have a twin-flame would mean you are spiritually connected to only one person at the exclusion others. In short, the twin flame ideology is more a product of an addictive personality (either yours or theirs) than actual spiritual meaning. That said, there is a similar topic that comes up almost in the same conversation that does bear discussion. Karmic debt in relationships.

Signs of a Karmic Relationship

In case you missed one of my recent articles, to catch up on karmic debt, read here. Relationships can be a natural place where we can overcome karmic debts and learn the lessons we need to incorporate. Karmic relationships are often characterized by certain traits that distinguish them from other types of connections. Here are some common signs that a relationship may involve karmic debt:

  1. Intense Connection: From the moment you meet, there is a powerful, magnetic pull toward the other person. This feeling may be immediate, as if you've known each other forever, or it might develop rapidly, bringing a sense of urgency or inevitability to the relationship.

  2. Repetitive Patterns: Karmic relationships often involve recurring themes or patterns that play out over time. These could be patterns of behavior, emotional responses, or conflicts that seem to happen again and again. The repetitive nature of these patterns indicates unresolved karmic lessons that both individuals need to address.

  3. Emotional Ups and Downs: Karmic relationships can be highly emotional, swinging from intense joy to deep pain. These emotional extremes often highlight unresolved issues from the past and the need for both partners to confront their shadows, fears, and insecurities.

  4. Feeling of Incompleteness: There may be a persistent sense that something is unresolved or incomplete in the relationship. Even if you separate or try to move on, the connection feels unfinished, and you may feel drawn back together repeatedly until the karmic debt is balanced.

  5. Life-Changing Impact: A karmic relationship often brings about profound personal transformation. It may challenge your core beliefs, push you out of your comfort zone, or force you to confront difficult truths about yourself or your partner. These relationships are often a catalyst for significant personal growth and change.

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The Purpose of Karmic Relationships

The main purpose of a karmic relationship is healing and growth. These relationships exist to teach us important lessons and to help us evolve spiritually and emotionally. The intensity and challenges faced in a karmic relationship are often a reflection of the unresolved issues both partners need to address.

For example, one person may need to learn patience and forgiveness, while the other might need to understand boundaries and self-respect. The relationship becomes a mirror, reflecting back to each person their own unresolved issues, fears, and insecurities. By working through these challenges together, both partners have the opportunity to balance their karmic debt and grow in new, healthier ways.

How to Recognize and Work Through Karmic Debts

Recognizing that a relationship involves karmic debt can be the first step toward healing. Here are some ways to address and work through these debts:

  1. Acknowledge the Patterns: Pay attention to the repetitive patterns and emotional triggers that arise in the relationship. Recognize that these patterns may stem from unresolved issues that need attention. Journaling or reflecting on your feelings can help you identify what lessons you might be learning.

  2. Practice Forgiveness: Forgiveness is a powerful tool in resolving karmic debts. It doesn’t mean condoning harmful behavior but rather releasing the hold that past actions have on your present emotions. This can involve forgiving your partner, yourself, or even past life versions of both.

  3. Communicate Openly: Open and honest communication is key in any relationship, especially in those involving karmic debt. Discuss your feelings, concerns, and needs openly with your partner. Sometimes, just talking about your feelings can help to clear misunderstandings and create a path for healing.

  4. Set Boundaries: Karmic relationships can often push boundaries, making it crucial to know and assert your own limits. Setting healthy boundaries is essential for self-respect and mutual respect. It can help both partners to understand what is acceptable and what is not, fostering a healthier dynamic.

  5. Seek Spiritual Guidance: For those who believe in past lives and karmic connections, consulting with a spiritual advisor, psychic, or counselor familiar with karmic relationships can provide valuable insights and guidance. Meditation, energy healing, or past-life regression therapy may also help in uncovering hidden aspects of the relationship’s karmic roots.

  6. Be Willing to Let Go: Sometimes, resolving a karmic debt means knowing when to walk away. Not all karmic relationships are meant to last forever; some come into our lives to teach us a lesson and then move on. Recognizing when a relationship has served its purpose can be an important part of releasing karmic ties and allowing both souls to continue their journey of growth.

Karmic Debt vs Learned Behavior

zodiac birth chart

So what's the difference between a relationship that balances the books on your karmic debt and a relationship based on learned behavior?

The answer is in the birth chart. What I've learned from reading and practicing some of the ancient grimoires, is much of what makes the world goes round is celestial influence. To understand this from the standpoint of the ancient grimoires, you have to forget everything you know from modern astrology.

It's not about the psychological tendencies of a person, like modern horoscopes tell you, but rather the circumstances you are fated to endure. If you compare your birth chart with that of your partner's, then you can get a much better picture.

Life lessons and purposes can be found in the placement of Saturn, and specifically in the house it is in. The chart above is my birth chart, where Saturn (the planet of obstruction) is placed in the 6th house. This house is all about learning how to take care of yourself, and Saturn can take this to the Nth degree if it wants to. While I have seen a lot of conflict throughout my life, its been unnoticeable in my romantic relationships. So you could say my relationships have not been based on karmic debt.

On the other wise of the coin, if there isn't an obvious placement of Saturn, your standard of relationship will be mostly influenced by learned behavior. Of course learned behavior ALWAYS has a large amount of influence. So make sure you surround yourself with good teachers and healthy environments.

Karmic Relationships

It can be a fine line between learned behavior and karmic debt. Even if you think there is a karmic lesson to be learned, make sure to learn it and get out quick if things aren't working out for you. Don't overcomplicate it. Lets call a spade a spade, there are plenty of assholes and psychos in this world. Don't let fate or the will of God make you feel that you must endure punishment.

It is also important to note that not all karmic debts are negative. Some people need to learn how to be loved. When confronted with an actual loving relationship or being cared for, they run a mile. Either way, karmic debts can be challenging but offer a unique way to grow. Just make sure it isn't to your detriment.

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