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Tarot Pathwork

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Friday the 13th - a tarot reader's perspective

We've all heard about it for years. Some people have a phobia of Friday the 13th, it even has a name...Paraskavedekatriaphobia. Only a lawyer could pronounce that, so it must be official. From black cats, to the legend of the Freemasons being slaughtered in medieval France, the cheesy 1980's horror movies, and the wiccan's saying it has to do with the return of the divine feminine - it seems there is much about Friday the 13th throughout western culture.

So what's true? Like most things in life, it depends on what lens you look at things through and what energy you bring to the table. Number 13 in the tarot is represented by the Death card as well a the queens in each suit of the minor arcana. Maybe the Wiccan's are right and it is the return of the divine feminine.

From the symbology of the tarot maybe we can break things down a bit more. The Death card - remember it isn't on the nose, and doesn't represent death, but instead, change.

Queen of Wands - is someone who is passionate, confident, outgoing and friendly, reversed, such a person is the opposite of these.

Queen of Cups - unsurprisingly since we are in the suit of cups, this is a person who is full of compassion, warmth, kindness and a good sprinkle of intuition.

Queen of Swords - this person is a bit more practical, however they are honest, independent and fair, though sometimes cold.

Queen of Pentacles - finally this person is very practical, caring, and has very good business sense.

From a standpoint of hermetic qabalah - all four queens belong in the sephirot of Binah which is all about creation and growth. Very fitting for a Queen if you ask me, and is reminiscent of the divine feminine. Maybe the Wiccans are correct? Who knows.

Like many things in life, the energy you create within you, attracts similar energy from around you. So don't get carried away with what the world is telling you that Friday the 13th is, and instead make it be whatever you would like - just like any other day.

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