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Tarot Pathwork

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Discovering Your Shadow Self

Your shadow self is the side of your personality that you try and suppress. For those trying to reach high vibrations, or trying to manifest more in their life – not dealing with your shadow self is often the reason you have a blockage in flow of energy or a closed chakra. We ignore our shadow self because it is the stuff about ourselves we just don’t like, or it is such a part of your personality you don’t even know its there.

Your shadow self often comes down to a few emotions, fear, anger, shame, greed, or vanity and it can be caused by an experience, your childhood environment, your belief structure, or toxic people. While the initial feeling may have caused you to feel protected or benefited you in some way, not recognizing these feelings and why they exist will affect the rest of your personality can often keep you repeating a pattern or staying in the same emotional state. At some point, you need to learn how to get out of this spiritual circumstance.

How to recognize when you need to do shadow work

Often your shadow manifests itself as an emotional trigger. A trigger is your minds attempt at navigating through reality in an attempt to prevent further pain. However, what a trigger actually does is constantly suppress the shadow side of yourself while also reliving the original painful experience you went through. Eventually, your shadow side grows because you will trigger more often and you end up living your entire life in fear of the trigger itself. You end up manifesting grief, anger, resentment in your daily life even when the original circumstance isn’t happening.

Its important to understand that shadow work isn’t about fixing yourself, because there is nothing wrong with you. For instance, the existence of a trigger is a way of telling yourself that the pain you went through is invalid and you want to forget about it. However, that pain is equally important because it is a part of who you are. The feelings of pain, emotional or physical, are also a form of your own energy and by thinking of them as unacceptable, you are eliminating many of your own energy levels.

How to begin shadow work

The most important thing is to recognize when you feel triggered. You need to recognize within yourself what has just happened externally and what your emotional response is. You need to treat it like an observation so that you can begin to accept WHY it is happening. It isn’t because of the current external experience (not usually), but you need to recognize what is happening so that you can understand WHY you are reminded of the original pain. Most of the time the current circumstance you are going through is not like the original circumstance that caused the pain. So begin noticing WHEN, WHERE or WHY you are becoming triggered. This is the first stage of shadow work, which is called awareness.

I hope some of this resonates and helps you achieve the vibration or manifestation you’d like. If you need guidance or would like someone to talk to, simply get in contact. I am always available to chat.

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