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Tarot Pathwork

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Banishing Negative Energy, Entities & Spirits

Plenty of people have seen ‘shadow people’ out of the corner of their eye. Other times you get a feeling that ‘something’ is around you. More rarely, some folks endure threatening moments, and finally some are even physically assaulted by spirits. It doesn’t matter where on the scale you are experiencing such issues, all of it is unsettling.

The problem is there aren’t many places where one can get answers to dealing with such things. Well, not without being labelled “crazy” or worry about losing your friends. I didn’t expect to ever really know about this topic, much less confront it on behalf of other people. It wasn’t until years and years into being a practitioner that I was having a medium session with my mentor that she proclaimed “Wow, can you hold a space!” For those who don’t know, holding space is the ability to stake a spiritual claim and control what may enter.

Banishing Negative Entities

There are a few different techniques to banish. The basic one is sage and simply asking the entity or energy to leave. Practitioners use sage everyday. Simply get a smudging stick of sage and allow it to smolder and smoke like a stick of incense. I use it as the way of closing a ritual.

But getting beyond the usual, what do you do when there are proper disturbances? Yes everything is based on intention, but what isn’t talked about is you need to know the intention of your subconscious inside and out, in order to protect intention around you. Sometimes you need a little help.

The Invocation

What I do is use the Shem Hamephorash ritual to invoke the angel Cahetel. Most recently I was asked to clear a space at a local memorial hall. Like any public space, it has been used for many things over the years. The first time I visited the hall, I didn’t need the staff to show me where the problem was, I instinctually knew. As it turns out, even my partner, who has lived in town for two decades longer than I, later told me that most of the town is creeped out by the space. What I immediately got was school children, that part of the hall was used years ago as a some of time out period. However I got the feeling that what went on there went far beyond simply putting someone on the naughty step. If you compound a hundred years of misery across many people, it will attract some whopping bad entities. Consequently most people these days have said that they feel watched by something when they use that part of the building, or that something is being menacing toward them.

Cahetel is the 8th angel of the Shem Hamephorash and among a few of his duties is expelling evil spirits. The ritual, like every Shem ritual is 11 days long. Essentially one is using prayer of calling the Angel forth. When this is done, we have to realize we are asking them for help, so we have to ask in ways that are meaningful to them. So the method that I use is:

1. Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram - this creates a circle of protection around yourself.

2. The Obescence - I add this, even though I’m using primarily a Shem ritual and the Obescence is generally seen in Enochian, I use it as part of the opening. I find it really sets the mind and spirit into a state of humility as you are asking the permission of the Most High as well as the choirs of angels that you may establish communication.

3. The Call - This is where the rubber meets the road. You begin a Shem call by asking permission to speak with a specific angel of your choosing. It requires knowledge of the invocation of that specific angel, but also knowing throughout the entire ritual that this isn’t you doing this. You are asking them to work through you. At no time do you have power, nor are you attached in any way, because that would be inflation of the Ego.

Being able to do this at all is the benefit of continually looking at shadow work on ones self, and continually knowing how to step in and out of the Ego. (for an introduction on shadow work and the Ego, go to my videos section.) You don’t want to cause Ego death, you just want to be able to step in and out of your Ego, so your Higher Self remains in control.

The Resolution

The people who asked me to do this often say that even before the 11 days are up, there is a significant difference. Almost like it is a different building. So much so, the person who was most frightened by things didn’t even realize she was able to hang out there until one day she was half way through a meeting without even realizing nothing was weighing on her any longer.

This happens because of a powerful beings ability to “imbue”. When you think of imbuing, think of it like standing in sunlight. The sun is nowhere near you, but it is having a tremendous effect on you due to the solar radiation. Strong entities like Angels or even Demons work the same way. They have a tremendous effect on us just by being in our presence - even if they aren’t in direct contact with us individually.

If you want to learn the specifics of this type of ritual, drop me a line. Likewise, if you are in need of having something banished, use the contact form and we can get into it. 

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