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Tarot Pathwork

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Psychic readings &
spiritual teaching


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What is Tarot Pathwork?

Pathworking is a method that combines spirituality and psychology. It helps people achieve consistent mindfulness for better mental health, and for those on a spiritual journey, it is a practice that can facilitate awakening. Pathworking is based on the premise that accepting, understanding, and taking responsibility for all parts of ourselves is essential for transforming our shadow side, claiming our authenticity, and finding unity within ourselves and with others.

This method helps you get in touch with 'your inner why' and lead a more fulfilling life. From this point, for those who wish, the work enters the realm of shamanic healing where we focus on the spiritual aspects of your being.

The end result is a person who is more present in a moment (mindfulness), and has greater awareness of themselves so that they may focus on their goals. This is accomplished by getting you to recognize your shadow self and your conditioned habits so that you can break them. To do this I use, energy readings which is a type of energy work (like Reiki), regular session work, and tarot cards for those who have trouble connecting with themselves.

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